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/ The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 2 / The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume II (Data Express)(1993).ISO / business / world29e.zip

Images (1)

Text (16)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CUSTOM.LOC Text File 117 3KB 1990-05-06
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 25 851b 1991-11-17
HISTORY Text File 112 4KB 1992-08-16
NEWSTUFF Text File 124 5KB 1992-09-27
PRODUCTS Text File 139 7KB 1991-12-11
README Text File 24 1KB 1992-08-16
REGISTRA Text File 45 1KB 1992-08-16
SUP.DAT Text File 10 562b 1987-04-24
TRAKS Text File 82 2KB 1992-08-08
TRAKS89 Text File 310 8KB 1989-10-24
TRAKS90 Text File 349 9KB 1990-11-01
TRAKS91 Text File 186 5KB 1991-11-02
USSR.LOC Comma Seperated Value File 108 3KB 1991-12-30
WORLD.CNF Text File 9 82b 1991-03-29
WORLD.DOC Text File 2,122 89KB 1991-12-05
WORLD.INF Text File 98 4KB 1991-12-11

Other Files (3)
CREATOR.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 39KB 1991-12-16
SEE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 21KB 1991-11-06
WORLD29.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 102KB 1992-08-15